Friday, September 22, 2017

PCEP Dance Guidelines

Tomorrow begins the Homecoming season here at P-CEP! This is a time of great excitement and memorable events for Canton High School students.  We want to share this communication with you in an effort to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all students as they attend Homecoming festivities. Please read and review the dance guidelines with your child:

PCEP Dance Guidelines
2017-18 School Year

By purchasing a PCEP dance ticket, the student attending a school-sponsored dance must adhere to following rules:

  1. If a student upon arrival at the dance does not meet the dance dress code requirements as enforced by administration, they will be expected to make their attire compliant with the dress code or they will not be permitted to enter the dance. Students not permitted into the dance will not be issued a refund.
  2. All students upon arrival will be given a wristband that must be worn at all times at the dance.
  3. If the student engages in inappropriate dancing or behavior during the dance, he or she
    1. Will be sent to the main office for a 15-minute break from the dance
    2. The wristband will be removed
    3. Their name and information will be collected and verified via MiStar
  4. If a student is witnessed to be dancing inappropriately for a second time and does not have on a wristband: a) They will be sent to the main office, where a call home will be made to parents explaining the behavior.
    1. The student will not be permitted to return to the dance.
    2. The student will not be given a refund
    3. Other disciplinary actions may be taken depending on student behavior.

We appreciate your assistance in reviewing the above guidelines with your child. Have a great weekend